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KODIKARA ® is a registered trademark owned and operated by Del C Ávila Unipessoal Lda, collective entity number 513 534 474, with registered office at Rua da Trapa, 33, 4405-793 Vila Nova de Gaia, referred to throughout this document as "DEL C ÁVILA".

DEL C ÁVILA is aware of the implications and of its responsibility to comply with the changes introduced with regard to personal data protection, in particular with the coming into effect on 25 May 2018 of the General Data Protection Regulation, approved by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 26 April 2016.

Identification of the data controller:

Del C Ávila Unipessoal, Lda
Rua da Trapa, 33
4405-793 Vila Nova de Gaia

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy and treatment of your data, you should contact us:


Postal address:
KODIKARA - Customer Support
Rua da Estamparia de Lavadores, 1306
4400-453 Vila Nova de Gaia

Personal data is collected exclusively for the following purposes:

  • Replying to a contact request from customers or potential customers
  • Managing your registration as a user
  • Managing your purchase and processing your order
  • Execution of the contract and invoicing
  • Customer support management
  • Improving or customising our services
  • Marketing actions, namely sending newsletters and other promotional actions
  • Definition of user profiles

The data collected is limited to the name, e-mail address and telephone number, NIF, address, city, postcode, country, date of birth, being used for the purposes set out in this Policy, and may be obtained through:

  • Online purchase form;
  • Website contact form;
  • Collection in person in shop.

DEL C ÁVILA will process your data from the moment a user registration is made in order to validate the account and grant access to reserved functionalities. If you wish to cancel your user account, at any time you can contact Customer Support for this purpose by contacting

DEL C ÁVILA will process your data when managing your account to fulfil the purchase and sale contract concluded at the time of each purchase on the website. DEL C ÁVILA will process your data to process each order and its dispatch, as well as to manage invoicing and payment, regardless of the payment method used. These data will be kept by DEL C ÁVILA for this purpose for two years of inactivity.

DEL C ÁVILA may process your data for marketing purposes in order to send you information about its products. Any action will only be carried out with your consent, when you create your user account or place any order. By providing your consent you will receive marketing communications via email and / or SMS, as well as, advertising actions and marketing campaigns on social networks, and your data may be shared with third parties that manage the social networks of DEL C ÁVILA. DEL C ÁVILA guarantees that it regulates all relations with all its partners and providers so that they ensure the necessary technical and organisational conditions appropriate and legally required. This consent may be revoked at any time by Customer Services.

DEL C ÁVILA will process the data necessary to manage or resolve any question related to your user account or order.

In order to tailor communication and actions as closely as possible to your tastes, DEL C ÁVILA may process your data for the purpose of defining consumer profiles. This data will be provided by your registration, your purchases and items added to the wishlist and will allow us to send you personalised information tailored to your consumption profile. At any time this consent can be revoked with Customer Support or through the reserved area, changing your privacy preferences.

Your personal data may be shared by the DEL C ÁVILA group, as well as by third parties who provide services to DEL C ÁVILA. Examples are financial institutions, fraud detection and prevention entities, technological, marketing, logistics, transport, delivery and advertising service providers.

The personal data collected may be shared exclusively for accommodation and backup on servers located in Portugal, with DEL C ÁVILA guaranteeing that it regulates its relations with all its partners and providers so that they ensure the necessary technical and organisational conditions appropriate and legally required.

In general, personal data collected on the DEL C ÁVILA website are not transferred to third parties unless in compliance with a legal obligation. In the event of data being transferred to third parties, DEL C ÁVILA maintains joint responsibility with the subcontractors for processing the personal data in a fair, lawful and transparent manner. The subcontractor may only process personal data in accordance with the instructions defined by DEL C ÁVILA and always in strict compliance with the law and the purposes entrusted to it under the contract concluded.
The transmission of personal data to subcontractors will only be carried out within the framework of contractually established relations with DEL C ÁVILA and only when there is a basis that justifies it.

In order to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data, DEL C ÁVILA shall take the legally prescribed measures to ensure that the subcontractor offers sufficient guarantees to protect the personal data, that it is a reputable entity and that it has sufficient technical and organisational security measures in place to protect the personal data against accidental or illicit accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access and against any other form of unlawful processing, agreed in particular by formal contract between DEL C ÁVILA and the subcontractor in which the latter undertakes to act only on instructions from the former with regard to the processing of personal data.

The subcontractors of DEL C ÁVILA shall only process the personal data for the purposes defined and agreed between the parties, and shall ensure that the conservation of the data, where necessary and applicable, complies with the deadlines established by law and/or contractually.

The holders of personal data shall be informed at the time of collection of their data about their possible sharing with subcontractors of DEL C ÁVILA, where possible with identification of the organisation and respective contact, as well as the purpose of such sharing.

In the event that the data is transferred to a subcontractor of DEL C ÁVILA that is in a third country not belonging to the European Union, the subcontractor shall maintain a level of data protection equivalent to the protection provided by the legislation in force in the European area, in particular that provided by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.

In the context of international data transfers, (at least) one of the following procedures shall be followed:

Individual contract or standard contract clauses adopted directly by the European Commission or by a supervisory authority;

  • Participation of the outsourcer in an EU accredited or recognised certification scheme or standard for ensuring an adequate level of protection;
  • Acknowledgement that the subcontractor's binding corporate rules ensure an adequate level of data protection, issued by the supervisory authorities.
  • The existence of an adequacy decision with regard to the specific third country, territory or sector within that third country, or with regard to the international organisation concerned.

he rules for cross-border data transfers will not apply when dealing with operations that are occasional and necessary for the performance of a contract or in the context of litigation (judicial, administrative, regulatory or similar proceedings).

DEL ÁVILA undertakes to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee you the exercise of your rights. Under the terms of the legislation in force regarding the protection of personal data, we inform you that the holder of the data is guaranteed:

Right to be informed:

  • At the time of the collection of personal data:
  • Of the contact details of the controller;
  • The purpose(s) of processing
  • Of the time limit for storage;
  • Of your rights as a personal data subject
  • The possibility of recourse to the supervisory authority for lodging a complaint (and contact details),
  • The (possible) existence of automated decisions and/or profiling;
  • To ask what information DEL C ÁVILA holds about them and why;
  • To know where your data is stored and how it is handled;
  • To be informed of how DEL C ÁVILA fulfils its data protection obligations.

Right of access:

  • Confirmation of whether or not your personal data is being processed;
  • Asking how to obtain access to your data;
  • Provision of a copy of the personal data processed, preferably in exportable format.

Right to correct, delete and block:

  • Be informed about how to keep them up to date;
  • Obtain rectification of outdated, incorrect or incomplete data;
  • Possibility of erasing personal data that is no longer necessary for the purpose;
  • To block the processing of such data in order to verify accuracy or opposition.

Right to limitation:

  • Challenge of the accuracy of personal data, for a period that allows the controller to verify its accuracy.

Right to removal/forgetfulness:

  • Request the removal of your data and the definitive elimination of those that do not conflict with legal obligations.

Right to Portability:

  • Request the portability of your data;
  • Possibility of requesting your personal data in a format of frequent or common use, in order to transfer it to another organization, even if it is a competitor.
  • The exercise of rights by the holders may be done through:


KODIKARA- Customer Support
Rua da Estamparia de Lavadores, 1306
4400-453 Vila Nova de Gaia

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DEL C ÁVILA uses security programs to protect your personal data against destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access or any form of illicit treatment. DEL C ÁVILA cannot guarantee that the security measures adopted to protect this website will prevent or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or loss of data. Therefore, it is advisable that the access devices used are equipped with software devices that protect data transmission and reception (up-to-date antivirus systems) and that the browser follows the appropriate measures to guarantee security in data transmission (firewall and filters anti-spam).

The personal data collected will be kept as long as there is consent from the holders, in the personal data where its collection requires their consent, and all others will be kept as long as their conservation is legally obligatory or is necessary for the performance of the contract.

This Privacy Policy may be subject to change or revision, without prior notice, due to legislative or regulatory requirements in accordance with the law in force. As this Privacy Policy may be revised at any time, DEL C ÁVILA recommends its users to review it periodically.

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